Exclusive limited offer

The Female Voice Collection:
24 of our most unique female voice releases:


Condition Red - Condition Red
Condition Red - II
Chrysila - Et In Arcadia Ego

Delphian - Unravel
Dreamside - Lunar Nature
Eli - Darkness Will Fall
Early Cross - Faithbringer
Farther Paint - Lose Control
Hauteville - Relief Data Incomplete
Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture pt. 1
Mastercastle - Last Desire
Mastercastle - On Fire
Mastercastle - Dangerous Diamonds
Mattsson - Tango
Mattsson - Dream Child
Mageia - Mageia (CD in mini LP format)
Operose - Oceans of Starlight (CD in mini LP format)
Satyrian - Eternitas
Satyrian - The Dark Gift
Venturia - Dawn of a New Era
Venturia - Hybdrid (CD+DVD)
Venturia - A New Kingdom
Star Queen - Your True Self
Xanima - Inside Warrior

Get all these 24 items for just  69 Euros or 79 USD (+ shipping via fedex)!

Please add your phone number when placing your order (for Fedex)

Lion Music:
The Female voice Collection



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